Other complaints

If you want to complain about matters that do not involve exams, your complaint must be sent to the head of your study programme.

You are seeing specific information relevant for:

Once we have received your complaint, the head of the study programme will gather relevant information in order to make a decision in the case.

Once sufficient information has been gathered, and the parties involved have been given the opportunity to express themselves, the head of the study programme makes a decision.

Complaint types

  • If you are a party in the case

    If you are a party in the case and a decision that concerns you is made, you will be notified of the decision.

    You cannot complain about the content of the decision unless it is outside the legal framework. By legal framework it is understood that the decision contravenes applicable law, including general principles of administrative law, such as a conflict of interest.

    If you wish to appeal you must do so within two weeks of receiving the decision.

  • If you are not a party in the case

    If you are not a party in the case, you will only receive a confirmation that the head of the study programme has received your inquiry, but you will not be notified of the decision.

    These cases are dealt with internally, and after sufficient information on the case has been gathered, the decision will be communicated to the parties in the case.

    Examples of cases which do not concern your legal position as a student include complaints about a lecturer, complaints about the behaviour of fellow students, the organisation of the study programme etc.

  • Procedural error

    If you believe that a procedural error has been made in the processing of your complaint, you must complain to Styrelsen for Videregående Uddannelser at the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science within two weeks of receiving the decision on your case.

    The complaint must be addressed to Styrelsen for Videregående Uddannelser, but must be sent to your study programme. If your study programme maintains the decision, the study programme will forward your complaint to Styrelsen for Videregående Uddannelser along with a statement, of which you will have the opportunity to comment on before it is sent.
