Student minister

Do you have anything you need to talk about with someone? Something you find hard sharing with your friends and family? Maybe a conversation with our student minister can help you.

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A student minister offers you a safe space where you can talk about whatever you would like to share. Perhaps, you are dealing with grief, anxiety or are feeling lonely. Maybe you are having difficult thoughts about your identity. A conversation can also be about feeling burnt-out, stressed, your religion, anger, divorce, relationships, family relations and much more.

It is up to you to decide what you what to share and how much you need to share. You can talk with the student minister about large and small issues.

Sometimes, students only need one conversation to get back on track with a new hope. In other situations, there is a need for more support and more conversations before you can get on with your life. It is up to you and the student minister to figure out what you need.

Conversations with he student minister are confidential and no notes are taken. You can also be anonymous if you like. You do not have to be religious to talk to a minister.

A conversation with a student minister is free while you are studying.

It is hard to predict when you will need of a student minister and therefore they are available at different times everyday. There are student ministers in most larger cities with educational institutions and there is a good chance that you can find someone close to the campus where you are studying.
